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Welcome to S.T.A.R.E.S.

Shasta Tehama Amateur Radio Emergency Services.

Welcome to the Shasta Tehama Amateur Radio Emergency Service Web Page.    Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 6:00 pm.,      *** 2 Meter Net, Monday at 8:00PM.   on 146.640 Mhz. -600 Khz. PL 107.2......73's

All are welcome on the second Thursday @ 1800 local time.

Next Meeting Thursday, August 8, 2024
Meeting Location Bentronics 141 Locust St. Redding, CA 96001 (Next to Orchard Nutrition)

Click here.

Sacramento Valley ARES Primary Frequencies.

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Net Control List.

Winlink Check-In Form v1.12)

Please place these three files in your template folder here. Windows (C:) > RMS Express > Your Callsign > Templates

Last Updated 01/08/2024

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ST-ARES / ARCA joint Calendar

Call Bill, AI6D for listings on Calendar. 530-246-2227 or E-Mail Bentron@Bentronics.com

© ST-ARES __ 2006 - 2024

Page Updated 07/12/2024 A.P.